And here we are, at the end of another remarkable year as Saint Cloche unveils our inaugural Grand Finale Group exhibition. As always, in the spirit of collaboration, Curator Kitty Clark has hand selected a group of diverse and creative talents to elevate ‘Grotto’ as an infinite reflection of life and art.
Drawing from Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, GROTTO will be an exploration of an allegory of a subterranean cave with the intent to reveal a story within a story. The artists have each developed a contemporary interpretation, forming narratives that imprint on GROTTO as a portal of intrigue and discovery.
The intention behind GROTTO is not only to unfold a visual feast and sensorial journey, but also an experience that opens our eyes to new and loftier realms. The experiential works will go beyond being extensions of the natural landscape but hopefully tether us to a deeper knowing that we are all intrinsically ‘nature’. A time portal between ancient earth wisdom, mythology and crystalising a vision for the evolution of a utopian future.